Introducing Collage: github


Collage Dependencies

Good news, everybody: Since this week, Collage is a separate project on github.

First this means that it’s much more lightweight to use since it has a small source code and repository size (<10MB) and less dependencies compared to the full Equalizer project. Say hello fast compilation times (less than a minute on my slowish laptop), easy setup and simpler directory layout.

Second this means that the next version will have a well-defined, stable API, similar to what Equalizer already has. I’m steadily working toward this with good progress and lots of cleanup. This means that building and maintaining distributed applications based on Collage will be painless.

Third and last my hope is that this gives the project more visibility and credibility, and therefore more outside contributions. We’ve already had quite a few awesome ones in the past, such as InfiniBand RDMA and UDT support.

Edit: API documentation can be found on

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