Archive for November, 2008

ParaComp 1.2 released

20. November 2008

A new version of the compositing library ParaComp was just released. Old-timers might remember this library as PICA.

Most notably, this release adds the necessary hooks for Equalizer, and Equalizer 0.6 will use Paracomp on Linux for alpha-blending. Right now this is the only mode where Paracomp is faster than the Equalizer default implementation, but I’m sure more will be added over time.

Kudos to the ParaComp team!

Streaming compositing for database decomposition

14. November 2008

I’ve published a new parallel rendering video showing streaming compositing for DB decomposition. The algorithm is pretty simple, but keeps the compositing workload and network load evenly distributed by streaming the results through all rendering nodes:


New Poll, Equalizer 0.6 release coming

14. November 2008

I’ve just tagged the release candidate for the upcoming 0.6 release. You can get the release notes here.

Since the blogflux polls are broken for some time and to celebrate the new release, I’ve also created a new poll. Here it is: